Be a business sponsor!

We are currently accepting sponsors for Off the Rails Craft Beer Festival, Ashland Railroad Run and Year Round Business Sponsors.


Gold Level Presenting Sponsor $1000


Signage at event

Booth space available during event

10 festival tickets

Opportunity to introduce organization and band

Company logo (large) on print advertisements

Name, logo, and link on The Center’s website (1 yr)

Annual donor list recognition

Use of the The Center for 1 weekday event

Silver Level Sponsor


 LOGO ON PINT GLASS if you sign up by 9/22/23

Signage at event

Booth space available during event

5 festival tickets

Company logo (small) on beer fest print ads

Name, logo, and link on The Center’s website (1 yr)

Annual donor list recognition



2 festival tickets

Annual donor list recognition

Click on the button below to become a sponsor for Off the Rails Craft Beer Festival.

Checks may be made out to HAAC and sent to:
HAAC, 500 South Center Street, Ashland, 23005

Off the Rails Sponsorship

AShland Railroad Run


Company logo (approx. 5” square) printed on race t-shirt, logo

and prominent recognition in race publicity including flyers, newspaper ads and

posters; announcement of company sponsorship and support at race awards

ceremony; 10 complimentary race entries ($250 value). $1,000


Company logo (approx. 3” square) printed on race t-shirt; company

name and logo in race publicity; announcement of company sponsorship and

support at race awards ceremony; 4 complimentary race entries ($100 valve).



Company name listed on race t-shirt in large font; company name and

logo in race publicity; 2 complimentary race entries ($60 valve). $500


Company name listed on race t-shirt; one complimentary race entry

(30 value). $250


In-kind sponsors providing services or products such as door prizes

will have their logo or name on race publicity according to values above.

Click on the button below to become a sponsor for Ashland Railroad Run. Green sponsors may contact to donate a service or product.

Checks may be made out to HAAC and sent to:
HAAC, 500 South Center Street, Ashland, 23005

Ashland Railroad Run Sponsorship

Become a year round business sponsor! Business sponsors receive sponsor recognition at events with company listings and logos, tickets to events, recognition on our website and social media accounts, and use of the venue (subject to availability) to host an event/s. Year Round Sponsorships Start at $2000. Please contact us at for more information.